10 Memorable Mr. Bean Stunts That You Should See
Who the hell does not know Mr.
Bean? Mr. Bean did not have to speak to make people laugh. Being his
stupid self is all the people need to get entertained. For a good vibe,
let's revisit some of Mr. Bean's best stunts ever!
1. Letting people know what they are missing is like putting salt to the wound. That's very Mr. Bean!
2. Making faces on the security camera completes Mr. Bean's day. He completes ours too!
3. Mr. Bean is always on a struggle with himself when it comes to
taking a morning dip. Well, the water is freezing cold after all!
4. Mr. Bean loves to look at himself on mirrors - even two-way mirrors! Shake your bon-bon, Mr. Bean!
5. Mr. Bean does not want other people sticking their fingers on his bucket - only his pocket!
6. Mr. Bean's eating manners are something normal people will not attempt to do.
7. A clear sign that Mr. Bean has loosened screws on his head.
Normal people would feel fear or excitement when they ride roller
8. Normal guys would be thrilled to have the chance of kissing a hot girl. But not Mr. Bean!
9. Mr. Bean knows when to grab attention - anytime, anywhere! He's not Mr. Bean if he will not do that!
10. Mr. Bean has the power to make people as stupid as him. And we totally buy it!
11. Curious Mr. Bean just want to know what lies ahead as the soldier is transfixed by the sight. Makes you wonder too!
12. Better shoot his lamp than other people's lights! Stupidity contained within his home. Good job!
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